This is the first of what we hope will be many creative writing workshops which will cover a broad spectrum of styles. To show that we are not above humiliation, even the Prole boys will sit in and share work on this one.
Truth and lies
Saturday 4th October 10.30am – 4.30pm
Bodelwyddan Castle, North Wales, October 4th, 2014
Every time a writer picks a word they tell a lie and they tell the truth. This workshop focuses on the process of writing and how changing one's viewpoint also changes the impact of one's words. There will be a series of short exercises helping the writer with this by experimenting with poetry, short fiction and creative personal essay.
You will have an opportunity to share your work; not for critique, but for empowerment.
This is a one day writing workshop at the beautiful Bodelwydden Castle in North Wales. It will be led by Sue Pace, a regular Prole writer, who is coming over from Seattle. The workshop is aimed at both prose and poetry writers of all abilities and experience.
Course leader, Sue Pace, has over 120 short stories, personal essays, poems and non-fiction articles published in regional and international formats. This includes not only literary journals in the USA, but also journals in Australia, the UK and Canada.
Her poems may be found in several "Open To Interpretation" coffee table books. Her plays have been produced in Seattle, Portland and at the West Coast Ensemble in Hollywood, CA. She was a "Distinguished Writer in Residence" at Seattle University and recently received an Honourable Mention in NIMROD'S Katherine Anne Porter competition. Most recently, her work may be found in CALYX, SKIVE, PROLE and EP;PHANY, and she has work forthcoming in NIMROD.
Sue has been a presenter at several writer's conferences and workshops in the United States and is excited to be making a trip to the UK this coming fall.
Bodelwyddan Castle is a beautiful and inspiring setting for this workshop. Situtated immediately off the North Wales Expressway, it's an easy drive from such places as Manchester or Liverpool. There is a Warner hotel that shares the same grounds and a Premier Inn around two miles away if you'd like to make a weekend of it.
Set in 260 acres of magnificent parkland, the Castle is a partner of the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) and is open to the public most days throughout the year.
Bodelyddan Castle, Bodelwyddan, Denbighshire LL18 5YA
See map below.
The workshop costs £55.00 and includes drinks throughout the day and a light lunch. Bring your preferred implements to write with: pen and paper, tablet, laptop. There are fourteen available places.
You can pay a £20 deposit now to secure a place, with the balance being paid by August 1st, or pay in full. Payment is by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use this safe and secure method of payment.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at: admin@prolebooks.co.uk
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